Clown Plaster Molds

Clown Plaster Molds. Also referred to as Plaster of Paris molds because it is used to fill these molds. Plaster molds are lightweight, and made of strong plastic. These reusable molds are easy to use, affordable, and durable. Plaster Molds we have: angels, animals, birds, christmas and holiday, clowns, fish & mermaids, toilet seats, letters & numbers, picture frames, kitchen molds, religious-christian, sports and much more. Plaster molds are great because they can be used many times to create an inexpensive craft project using plaster of paris. We also carry many of your favorite plaster mold supplies, plaster mold hooks, and plaster mold paints and brushes. We are adding new plaster molds each month! Plaster Molds for sale right here at ArtCove. We have over 600 Plaster Molds for sale on our website.
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